I don't even know where to begin.. Well for starters nothing much has been happening this summer. Been hanging out with Mr. Mellon a ton and he is a hell of a lot weirder than I would hve ever expected. Grad parties have been typical: crappy. The night of Desmond's grad party was one of the most random I have ever had in my life. Got to the party with a cup full of beer and kept making voodoos after that. Pretty delicious. Left close to 9 or 10, I don't even know. Mom said that she needed someone else to talk to. Since I knew who she was talking to Joe and I rushed back to my house so we could get our drink on with her. There was a huge debate about the Hawaiian Island's flowers. So Joe ended up calling Gabe and getting it sorted out. I think I was right about two of the flowers. Not too sure. Then we started talking about marketing.. I have had that talk with so many people in my back yard it is ridiculous. I don't remember what happened next but one of us went to sleep. Then more talking about random things. I brought out the cards and mom made Joe and me play speed. I won. Then mom played me, I lost. We played again, I won. After that we started playing 21 for the longest time. It was pretty funny how crappy I was. I wasn't really paying attention to what was happening. And it didn't help that I'm not the greatest player. Oh well. I think I won like 9 hands in a row. That was pretty awesome. Out of no where mom said that she wants a chilli cheese dog. So after a while we go to Zippy's at 3:30am. It was so funny. I had chicken katsu. I figured since I had chicken nuggest a couple days before I should just start eating chicken again. But it was waaaayyyy too oily so I could not finish it. I tried really, really hard but it was just too disgusting. I went to the bathroom because I felt like throwing up but there was piss in the toilet so I didn't. I could have easily flushed it but I would have felt way more disgusted throwing up in a public bathroom. EW!
The days have been getting way hotter and more humid than imaginable. So the showers have increased and gotten a lot colder. I could never take a cold shower and now I am taking one just about every afternoon. I could go for one right now and its only 11am. So ridiculous! Just like my never ending situation with college! UGH! I have no idea why this couldn't have been taken care of earlier. Such a pain in the ass. But hopefully with the help of Beth this will all be done very, very soon and I can stop worrying about me actually going to college. I cannot wait to leave this island! Even though I am going to be there a month early and I have no idea what I am going to do with myself. I'm sure that I will be able to find something to keep me occupied in LA. I am so excited to see my apartment. I really hope it is to die for as Taena claims. I just want to get off this damn rock already. I hope LA isn't hot when I move up. Just about two months left on this god forsaken rock and I am freeee! Sorta.
I am scared though. I'm going into a business that is booming right now, but so many students are studying Graphics right now. So what if there is no room for me in the business? I don't even know why I'm scared. I'm sure there will be plenty of oppourtunity.
I need to start arting again. I feel so, I don't even know how to explain it. I just want to fucking immerse myself in art right now.
Oooh and I know what I want for my first tattoo, but of course my mother had to fucking put me down about it. Saying that the meaning doesn't match me. When it does, she just doesn't know anything about me obviously. I am going to get it soooooonn I hope.
25 June 2010
02 June 2010
Be Strong and Ally Ye
Oh sons of Hawaii
I think its pretty hilarious that I used to know the words to the alma mater then for some reason I just forgot them. Oh well! I'm not going to have to sing it any time soon, I hope.
I haven't updated in a while because graduation has been so intense! From all day practices, going to Oahu, and baccalaureate. I'm just so relieved that it is finally all over. I don't even know what to write about. So many things happened this past week. SO MUCH! I should start from the beginning but everything happened so quickly that my brain can't quite decipher day from day. Okay, I really don't know where to start.
Mauna Ala. That was fucking terrible! Woke up way too late. About an hour after I should have been up, so I had all of 6 minutes to get ready. Left the house when I should have been at the airport. But people were still arriving so I didn't feel too bad. The line for Starbucks was really long but I needed coffee anyways. I have no idea why I had to get the most expensive drink. Seriously, $6 for a coffee!? a SMALL coffee. So ridiculous. But it was fucking delicious. When we got the Oahu airport we had to wait an hour for the boys. So Mahea and I walked around trying to find a good place for food. Obviously, its the airport so we had absolutely no luck. And trying to find something cheap was out of the question too. I hate that Burger King is closed! Its the only decent place in the airport. We ended up sitting down and playing Egyptian War which started to become a hot commodity in the last week of school in Kumu Kalei's class because they never did anything. I almost won, but I think it was Ka'u that won. When the boys finally come in we head down to the buses and I start to feel like shit right when we leave the airport. I have no idea why but I just wanted to puke my guts up. It was awful. When we finally get to Mauna Ala we line up and get ready to chant. We get in and blah blah blah. We line up in a super confusing order. I can't hear or see anything that is going on so I was just looking around the whole time wishing that I was at home sleeping. We sing and chant and give our roses. Then we sing some more. Then the Maui campus decides that we're going to be cool and sing the love song written for Kalakaua that he never heard. But of course, we sounded fucking terrible. Everyone was off and we had no instruments. I really didn't feel like walking around to findthe answers to the questions that Kahu gave to us. So I just leaned against a tree and prayed for death hahaha. Me, Kellie and Joe went in to the church there and it was really stink so I felt worse. When we were finally on our way after what felt like 3 hours of nothing I started to feel better. We get to Kapalama and I see Kalei right away! I was super stoked but she had to leave. Kinda sucked. She pretty much had a line of people waiting for her. Must've felt like a celebrity hah. We were at the chapel on campus and I started to feel like crap again. When everyone was inside I went to the bathroom in hopes of throwing up or something. But nothing happened. I hate how that always happens to me. We go get lunch and I feel fine, finally. But when we get to Kawaiahao Church I start to feel shitty again. When they try to organize us to take the photo it was just chaos. No one could follow directions. They should have lined us up outside so we wouldn't be trying to arrange ourselves ing he aisle. It was retarded. The chapel service felt like forever and the Kapalama boys were sooo fucking rude! Leaving before the song was even over and leaving rubbish everywhere. After that was done we headed to the airport and I felt better, again.
So my theory is I get sick around churches. They make me feel absolutely awful. Terrible, I know. But thats my conclusion for that day.
Friday was baccalaureate, pretty boring. I honestly don't remember what I did that day. Probably nothing. But, Baccalaureate was really boring. Sitting on the stage singing songs that we didn't know was so embarrassing. I don't know why they assume we're going to do fine just because we have the program and song book. It was honestly awful. I didn't know that the Headmaster's Tea wasn't mandatory so I was pretty annoyed by that. But whatever, got to eat free, shitty sushi! Met up with Taena and Mario after that. We planned to go to Pedro's house but that got fucked up when the starter on Taena's car got stuck. Even though Uncle said it was "Cracka Cheese!" So funny. Joe picked me up and we grabbed his hookah and went to Taena's condo. Mother told me that I couldn't sleep over. That was pretty annoying to me. But I guess that was the smart thing to do since my fucking leis weren't even done! Tried a bunch of different alcohol at the condo. That pink stuff was pretty delicious haha. But kinda too fruity.
So the next morning I tell my mom that we have to go to walmart so i can get stuff to make my leis. And she starts bitching at me! I have no idea why she was bitching at me. I should have been bitching at her. I asked a bunch of people a bunch of times to pick things up for me. It isn't hard to grab ribbon and the netting. But i guess it actually was for them. And everything else was being done super last minute too. I fucking hate that so fucking much! I was so pissed, I was about ready to punch someone in the face. And my family thought that I was being bitchy, I guess I was but what ever. I could have had the leis done earlier. And they were not helping by claiming they don't know how. Its easy to figure it out. It was just a terrible way to start graduation. It pretty much ruined my graduation day. I didn't want to be happy that day, I was just in the most pissed off mood I had been in for a long ass time. I did cheer up a little bit though. I bet if I hadn't been pissed off earlier I actually would have cried during the ceremony. I still haven't cried. It's kind of weird. I think I didn't cry yet because I cried that whole week and during song fest. I don't know why I wanted to cry. Thats pretty silly.. wanting to cry at graduation. I was just happy as shit. I just wanted to get out and never have to rely on any one ever again, physically that is. During the ceremony Nea and Shawna kept asking me if I wanted them to scream for me because of what Kahu said about keeping the noise down. And I kept telling them yeah. I told them that before too. I couldn't imagine them not screaming. We're all loud mouths so there was no way I could tell them no. I guess they were pretty loud because a bunch of people gave me funny looks. And during the lei giving part the videographer asked us to scream for the DVD haha. so funny.
So project grad.. people were screaming when the buses pulled up. No idea why. They knew that we were getting buses. So stupid. It was a pretty good night I suppose. The Westin wasn't a bad choice but it was predictable. Swimming at night is probably one of my favorite things to do. Had a lot of fun just watching people make fools of themselves, as usual. Nothing too exciting happened. The salsa was delicious! I wanted to steal a bowl and eat it all myself. The committee dropped like 5K on duffle bags for us. I was really shocked, but really happy! I was in need of a new duffle bag. It was really annoying how everyone screamed for every little thing. That is one thing I will never miss about my class. Their annoying screams. Its about time we actually got something good though. I think project grad was the best class thing we ever had. Dinner was really good. And I was so glad they had Starbucks. The photobooth was fun. But it annoyed me that people stole the props. Thats so fucking ruuuude. For the drawings I put in the wrong ticket. Pretty funny. I put the one without my name on it. I felt like the biggest dumb ass ever, but I wasn't surprised that I did that. Like what if I did win the MacBook? That would have been awesome. But whatever, it is what it is. (hate that saying now) The fucking RockBand was fuuucked up! It was lagging so badly. I ended up just kicking it with Dayton and Royal. Pretty fun way to end the night. I prolly would have fell asleep otherwise. Breakfast sucked, that was a great way to end it all.
I fell asleep on the bus and as soon as me and mahea got in the car we lit up haha. People were passing us but we didn't care. Nicotine! I went to sleep right after Mahea left. Got rudely awaken at 11. That day I got a grand total of 3 hours of sleep. That was really annoying! We didn't even start eating until 2. People didn't start showing up until 5 or 6. That night was fuuuun. Ate some good food. Started drinking When Aunty Fran and Uncle Les started. Didn't stop till 1 ish. Played thumper for the first time. I went first and fucked up right away. Got pretty fucked up too but that was only when Mario gave me Crown. Britt and I needed pliers to open those small bottles of alcohol because they were like super glued shut. Mahea and Kali were gone for the whole night, pretty typical. I passed out first, really typical. But I had no sleep in my defense.
There's a ton that I left out. I will continue later
18 May 2010
Oh Happy Day
Fuck yeah! I am so far past being sad for graduation I just want it to be over with. But I have soo much shit I still need to do for FIDM. ugh. I cannot wait to be rid of all this nonsense at school. The bullshit rules, stupid teachers, pointless classes, and stupid kids at school. Six years of all this shit has built up to a lot that I am just ready to be free of. I really don't think that I'm gonna miss all these people since they are super fucking annoying. How can they all just go to the same fucking shcool and see eachother every day. That's just fucking retarded. The point of college is to get away from people.
I am so fucking bored in class right now! But at least we're actually listening to good fucking music haha. Love DaftPunk, seriosuly. Hmmm, so I just took my first (of three) Englsih final and I'm pretty sure that I did not do great, at all. I would not be surprised if I get an F. Nothing made sense, there was pretty much no thesis, and I probably have one thousand grammar errors. Fuck mannnn I can't wait for all that shit to just be over.
I feel like I'm in a video game from the 90's right now. haha.
I'm gonna miss art classes though :( no more free supplies. I guess I should steal what I can right now. I don't wanna have to buy spray mount and pay for my printing or buy poster boards. Or have to get shit laminated and pay fucking $50! for a shitty kinkos job. Ugh! Seriously, kids here need to use the resources more. such a waste.. its actually pretty sad.
Anyways. i'm sick of writing. i just wanna sleep.
I am so fucking bored in class right now! But at least we're actually listening to good fucking music haha. Love DaftPunk, seriosuly. Hmmm, so I just took my first (of three) Englsih final and I'm pretty sure that I did not do great, at all. I would not be surprised if I get an F. Nothing made sense, there was pretty much no thesis, and I probably have one thousand grammar errors. Fuck mannnn I can't wait for all that shit to just be over.
I feel like I'm in a video game from the 90's right now. haha.
I'm gonna miss art classes though :( no more free supplies. I guess I should steal what I can right now. I don't wanna have to buy spray mount and pay for my printing or buy poster boards. Or have to get shit laminated and pay fucking $50! for a shitty kinkos job. Ugh! Seriously, kids here need to use the resources more. such a waste.. its actually pretty sad.
Anyways. i'm sick of writing. i just wanna sleep.
14 May 2010
09 May 2010
Wasted Youth
Today I realized my life has been such a waste. There is so much more, not that much given the fact that I live on a fucking island, that I could be doing. People I could be talking to, hands I could be holding, lips I could be kissing, castles I could be building, memories I could be making, and life to be living. Too bad I have wasted the 17 years of my life thus far. And what a fucking slap in the face it is. I blame this fucking island. No, I blame myself for being shy and insecure, and never wanting to talk to people because I assume that they're all complete morons and I know that's not true. But usually they all end up to be idiots in one way or another. My biggest regret is definitely not making more friends and more memories, but there is an upside to it: an easier goodbye. But at the same time since I have less friends I have become more attatched to them. So I guess goodbye is tough no matter the amount of people you are saying it to. But this has been my life so far and there is absolutely nothing that I can do about it now. All I can do is make it better. In 2 weeks and 6 days. what the fuck. mind blown. I hate this. I don't want to graduate. As much as I don't like all the people at school I can't help but think about how much I am going to miss their annoying faces and laughs and ridiculously loud yells at each other in the halls. But that will only be for a while until I find my new niche where the universe decides to take me. Just thinking about how people are a part of your life for so long then you decide to rip yourself away from all of them is so odd. Why choose to leave when there is a spot for you? But there really isn't. There is never a spot. But there actually is, everyone makes everything complete. Every cell in your body is meant to be where it is. That is really fucking hard for me to believe though. Was I meant to stay home all fucking day? Was there some tragic thing that would have happened had I decided to go out? Who the fuck knows? What is the point in continually questioning it when no one will ever know the answer? There isn't one.
05 May 2010
Too many thoughts
Race through my brain, and not enough of my brain is used. I think we use 10%?
"To say that we use all of our brain ignores the fact that you couldn't remember where you left your car in the parking garage- even though this is well within your brain potential" I like that.. I think that topic is really interesting, we use all of our brain for different activites, but not all at the same time. I used to think that only 10% of our brain was used for everything and that only geniuses used the full potential of their brain all the time. I guess who ever told me that was very, very wrong.
But, what I was thinking about was relationships.. What is the best type of relationship to have? And are there good times to have certain types of relationships? Such as a really fun, no-seriousness relationship would be good for summer. But is that type of relationship good at all? Even though your partner may make you forget all of your troubles because you are constantly having fun and living freely. Is that actually healthy? Would pushing all of your troubles aside for a relationship make you feel worse in the end? What if you decide to marry someone who makes you feel like that? would you just never face your problems and end up living in regret because you never had the chance to figure it out? Is that even a real relationship? What is a real relationship? I guess to each their own.
Personally, I don't think I could be in a relationship where everything is just fun. There has to be room for serious talks; how are you going to love someone with out seeing them at their worst? You will never really know anyone until you have seen them break down and cry their eyes out because I believe that is when your soul is pouring out and being exposed to the world. I think that is why people don't like to cry. They don't want to feel exposed to anyone for fear of getting more hurt in the long run. It has been shoved down our throats not to cry because it shows that you are weak. I think quite the opposite; those who cry are the strong ones for exposing themselves to every thing in the world. There is no way of telling what people will say of you for crying about something and that is why I hate to cry. I'll admit that I am weak because I absolutely hate crying in front of people. I feel so embarassed about it, but I can only do it around the people I really love and care about. At Aha Mele I cried because I was next to Mahea and we have seen each other cry numerous times and we know each other extremely well. I probably wouldn't have cried if I was sitting next to someone I am comfortable with.
I have no idea where I'm going with this.. But I totally lost my train of though about relationships
"To say that we use all of our brain ignores the fact that you couldn't remember where you left your car in the parking garage- even though this is well within your brain potential" I like that.. I think that topic is really interesting, we use all of our brain for different activites, but not all at the same time. I used to think that only 10% of our brain was used for everything and that only geniuses used the full potential of their brain all the time. I guess who ever told me that was very, very wrong.
But, what I was thinking about was relationships.. What is the best type of relationship to have? And are there good times to have certain types of relationships? Such as a really fun, no-seriousness relationship would be good for summer. But is that type of relationship good at all? Even though your partner may make you forget all of your troubles because you are constantly having fun and living freely. Is that actually healthy? Would pushing all of your troubles aside for a relationship make you feel worse in the end? What if you decide to marry someone who makes you feel like that? would you just never face your problems and end up living in regret because you never had the chance to figure it out? Is that even a real relationship? What is a real relationship? I guess to each their own.
Personally, I don't think I could be in a relationship where everything is just fun. There has to be room for serious talks; how are you going to love someone with out seeing them at their worst? You will never really know anyone until you have seen them break down and cry their eyes out because I believe that is when your soul is pouring out and being exposed to the world. I think that is why people don't like to cry. They don't want to feel exposed to anyone for fear of getting more hurt in the long run. It has been shoved down our throats not to cry because it shows that you are weak. I think quite the opposite; those who cry are the strong ones for exposing themselves to every thing in the world. There is no way of telling what people will say of you for crying about something and that is why I hate to cry. I'll admit that I am weak because I absolutely hate crying in front of people. I feel so embarassed about it, but I can only do it around the people I really love and care about. At Aha Mele I cried because I was next to Mahea and we have seen each other cry numerous times and we know each other extremely well. I probably wouldn't have cried if I was sitting next to someone I am comfortable with.
I have no idea where I'm going with this.. But I totally lost my train of though about relationships
02 May 2010
it's just my humble opinion
holy shit! this weekend has been so mother fucking boring. It is honestly retarded, I did absolutely nothing this weekend. Stayed home and did all of NOTHING!
I don't even know what the hell to write about. Maybe I'll just rant about everyone haha.
I have no idea if I said this in my other post but my whole month of May was planned out for me in all of 3 minutes last weekend. It was pretty much NOT awesome. It's my last fucking month of high school, I would rather spend it with my friends than my family. I fucking love them, but I will never ever ever be in high school again. Holy shit. I fucking hate this. My whole fucking high school career has been pretty lame. Nothing all that exciting. I want to shoot my foot. This is dumb. All of my junior year was pretty much spent on Oahu, beginning of senior year was with people I don't even go to school with, freshman and sophomore year was pretty good. But how fucking sad is it to day that my sophomore year in high school was the best year? But that's probably because thats when I started hanging out with Taena. I fucking miss that bitch. That's when my sould became tainted lol. Three more fucking weekends till I graduate. What the fuck!? I don't like this, not at all. I honestly don't even feel like I'm a senior. Graduation doesn't seem right at the moment. I am finally comfortable and I'm getting torn the fuck out of it. That is just not cool. But being immersed in something completely new is so exciting and terrifying all at the same time. Oh the joys of polar emotions. Being on my own is something I've always wanted and now that it's here why do I not want it? That is how everything in life is. It's only the chase that matters. There's no fun once you've gotten the prize. But what is the actual prize in life. What are we striving for in our life, not referring to career and money or anything material, when can we finally say that our life goal has been met? I have no idea what my life goal is. Yeah I wanna change the world, but too bad I'm a realist and I know that could never happen. One person cannot accomplish that. It takes a whole team of people, not just a team but thousands if not millions. Everyone has to work together.
Why the fuck am I talking about changing the world?
Anyways. I don't know what I want out of life, and what does life want out of me? If we're meant to do something why can't they just give us some kind of a plaque when we're born: 'you have to figure out how to make cell phones water proof'. Or some shit like that. 'you are going to make the best beer' haha that would be a great life mission. I honestly don't understand when people say "that's what god wants me to do" HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW!? because I don't think there is a transmitter between you and god in your head! if that is possible where the fuck would the fucking signal be coming from? You don't even know where the hell he is. Sure he's all around us, but how is he carrying all his transmitters to all your fucking brains? Yeah I don't think so. You all might just be crazy and keep telling yourselves things just to make yourself look good. Well it's not working. Whatever, I don't feel like writing about religion, too much of a touchy subject. Believe what you will.
Today I had the greatest epiphany EVER! Tegan & Sara = Taena & Shelby! Fucking love it! Taena and I need to make Tegan and Sara understand that we're all meant to be together because our parents chose the greatest names for all of us. FUCK FUCK FUCKING canNOT wait to see their gorgeous faces in person. I will not settle for anything except for the front row, just like everyone else who is gonna go. I need a concert. I love the energy of everyone being there for one reason. It just makes for a really good time except when fucking retards go there to hate on the band. How fucking immature is that?! Why would you spend money to hate on the band? Or a band member's mom!? That happened at the Taking Back Sunday concert. I was so pissed. I will probably starve because I'd rather spend money on concerts than food. As long as its my money I won't feel bad, but I will feel hungry. Money is the worlds BIGGEST problem. I hate it. I wish everything was free. Too bad Americans are stupid and spend money they don't have! Ron White has a perfect solution for it. I love how comedians are the most real and smart people. There are a lot of comedians I would rather have as president. But they all drink too much to take it seriously. I never really thought that Obama would be a good president and that is kinda apparent right now. I hate politics.
I don't know what else to write about. kbye
I don't even know what the hell to write about. Maybe I'll just rant about everyone haha.
I have no idea if I said this in my other post but my whole month of May was planned out for me in all of 3 minutes last weekend. It was pretty much NOT awesome. It's my last fucking month of high school, I would rather spend it with my friends than my family. I fucking love them, but I will never ever ever be in high school again. Holy shit. I fucking hate this. My whole fucking high school career has been pretty lame. Nothing all that exciting. I want to shoot my foot. This is dumb. All of my junior year was pretty much spent on Oahu, beginning of senior year was with people I don't even go to school with, freshman and sophomore year was pretty good. But how fucking sad is it to day that my sophomore year in high school was the best year? But that's probably because thats when I started hanging out with Taena. I fucking miss that bitch. That's when my sould became tainted lol. Three more fucking weekends till I graduate. What the fuck!? I don't like this, not at all. I honestly don't even feel like I'm a senior. Graduation doesn't seem right at the moment. I am finally comfortable and I'm getting torn the fuck out of it. That is just not cool. But being immersed in something completely new is so exciting and terrifying all at the same time. Oh the joys of polar emotions. Being on my own is something I've always wanted and now that it's here why do I not want it? That is how everything in life is. It's only the chase that matters. There's no fun once you've gotten the prize. But what is the actual prize in life. What are we striving for in our life, not referring to career and money or anything material, when can we finally say that our life goal has been met? I have no idea what my life goal is. Yeah I wanna change the world, but too bad I'm a realist and I know that could never happen. One person cannot accomplish that. It takes a whole team of people, not just a team but thousands if not millions. Everyone has to work together.
Why the fuck am I talking about changing the world?
Anyways. I don't know what I want out of life, and what does life want out of me? If we're meant to do something why can't they just give us some kind of a plaque when we're born: 'you have to figure out how to make cell phones water proof'. Or some shit like that. 'you are going to make the best beer' haha that would be a great life mission. I honestly don't understand when people say "that's what god wants me to do" HOW THE FUCK DO YOU KNOW!? because I don't think there is a transmitter between you and god in your head! if that is possible where the fuck would the fucking signal be coming from? You don't even know where the hell he is. Sure he's all around us, but how is he carrying all his transmitters to all your fucking brains? Yeah I don't think so. You all might just be crazy and keep telling yourselves things just to make yourself look good. Well it's not working. Whatever, I don't feel like writing about religion, too much of a touchy subject. Believe what you will.
Today I had the greatest epiphany EVER! Tegan & Sara = Taena & Shelby! Fucking love it! Taena and I need to make Tegan and Sara understand that we're all meant to be together because our parents chose the greatest names for all of us. FUCK FUCK FUCKING canNOT wait to see their gorgeous faces in person. I will not settle for anything except for the front row, just like everyone else who is gonna go. I need a concert. I love the energy of everyone being there for one reason. It just makes for a really good time except when fucking retards go there to hate on the band. How fucking immature is that?! Why would you spend money to hate on the band? Or a band member's mom!? That happened at the Taking Back Sunday concert. I was so pissed. I will probably starve because I'd rather spend money on concerts than food. As long as its my money I won't feel bad, but I will feel hungry. Money is the worlds BIGGEST problem. I hate it. I wish everything was free. Too bad Americans are stupid and spend money they don't have! Ron White has a perfect solution for it. I love how comedians are the most real and smart people. There are a lot of comedians I would rather have as president. But they all drink too much to take it seriously. I never really thought that Obama would be a good president and that is kinda apparent right now. I hate politics.
I don't know what else to write about. kbye
27 April 2010
Aye Captain
So I totally didn't mean to publish that last post without stuff from last weekend. Man, I haven't update in what feels like eons! well from before the previous accidental post.

Anyways.. last weekend was super interesting.
Friday was opening night of the Senior art show. There was so much junk food I almost threw up because I ate so much. The strawberries that Toni made were like heaven! I would not mind have like 205760918 of them right now. I still can't believe that we actually pulled the show off. I honestly don't think it was that great, but at least it is finally over. And I can't believe that Mrs. Mason made up evaluate everyone's work and is going to show it to them! Aargh! I don't want people to see what I wrote, as if they can read it. I guess it's a good thing that I wrote really ugly.
So Saturday was Ho'olaulea which of course sucked. Nothing exciting except the Big Island Party Mix. So delicious! I worked my shift from 1 - 2. And I had like $20+ in scripts left over so I just bought a bunch of salad which I think I still might have. Fuck! Should have just bought a bunch of coffee instead. Oh well.
After Ho'olaulea I hung out at Joe's house for a little while. Then we picked up Kali and went to my house. Took a couple shots of sake which wasn't as bad as I remember it being. That's probably because I had a chaser. I actually kind of liked it with the chaser. But I doubt that I would actually drink it.. Picked up Mahea and had a super chill night. I love those kinds of nights way more that big parties. No drama and you can actually hear everyone. And you can see all the stupid things people do. I love it.
It was so funny how happy Mahea was because we smoked hookah and Joe bought her a pack.
Rule #32 Enjoy the Little Things
haha I love that movie.

me and kali being nerrrdy

Joe and Mahea not being able to handle

Coke and Captain, das it
26 April 2010
High Iron Content
That is the reason all my clothes are stained red from the dirt in Kauai. So this past weekend I went to Kauai for Uncle Mark's funeral. I didn't really know him so I felt pretty awkward all weekend. On Saturday at the service I felt so sad for everyone there because I could feel the sorrow emanating from the chapel from twenty feet away. It was like a piece of their heart was ripped out and stomped on right in front of their faces. I felt so intrusive of their private grieving time, but I went to be a supporting shoulder for my family. Minus the loss of an extremely loved on the weekend was as typical as any family gathering that we have. We need to start shaking things up a bit, but I doubt anyone would go for that since we're stuck in this rhythm and it sounds as good as Pena and Nea doing a duet. Friday Joe took me downtown since he had to get a new phone. I swear, he is stupidly addicted to his phone. I met up with mom after I almost got run over by a car. People tend to lose their common sense at airports, its so frustrating. We got to Kauai around 8 maybe then got picked up by Pena, Pohai, Nea, and Kaiolu. Which meant that I was stuck sitting in the back of the car. When we finally got to Hanapepe everyone was already eating and drinking. I smelled Shrimp Scampi and even though I wasn't hungry I went to look for some, but surprise surprise there was none. Oh well. Less food for me :). There was some drama about Aunty Babe's birthday cake, pretty lame. All the family drama is lame and just needs to be over already because it is sickening to listen to different people bitch about each other doing all the same shit. We got home around 11 and went to sleep around 1 and woke up at 7.

Fuck my life in the ass hole backwards. Oh my fucking god I cannot believe this. I've been deleting pictures unknowingly. Fuck my life. GAAAAAAAAAAHH I seriously wanna shoot myself right now. fuck fuck fuck.
We got the the chapel pretty early and there was already people there. I didn't even know Uncle Mark and I almost cried because he touched so many people's lives that its such a tragic loss. And of course in times like these everyone talks to each other more and acts more loving. But I hate when that ends, I don't get why everyone isn't like that all the time. My mom started drinking pretty much as soon as we got there. I didn't think much of it until she kept drinking throughout the entire day. After the service ended at 12 we drove out to the cemetery, Nea and Nuti help up a banner over the walkway near Big Save which was pretty cool. My mother stuck her head out of the sun roof which resulted in her getting cuts on her hands, karma is indeed a bitch! At the burial a helicopter dropped flowers over us which was really cool. But I didn't think it was something to be screaming and cheering about which my mom did. Extremely loud. I was so embarrassed; like yeah it was really cool but screaming that loud was really unnecessary. Then that night we went back to the valley and ate and ate and ate. Kind of a boring night but what ever. It probably felt like that because I wasn't drinking. haha. My mother was really annoying, especially when she said, "you don't dance like them do you?" UGH! she's seen me dance before I have no idea why she would even say that, seriously. A lot of other people were getting annoyed by her which made me feel a little bit better.
Sunday we all got up, and of course had drama at breakfast. Then went down to the other house, but Pohai locked her keys in the car so they just stayed home. Kinda funny, but not completely unexpected from her. Everyone who isn't from Kauai ended up leaving early but for mom and me it was pretty pointless because we didn't get home till 11. I hate delays so much. Today I finally started doing my fucking scholarships. I hope Mossman counts them because they were fucking easy little things to do. He can't not count them because they are scholarships. I will fight him if he says they don't count.

Aunty Babe and Kylie laughing about something obviously

Pena, Pohai, Kaiolu at the service

My mother and Pena cheering for the flowers at the burial
Fuck my life in the ass hole backwards. Oh my fucking god I cannot believe this. I've been deleting pictures unknowingly. Fuck my life. GAAAAAAAAAAHH I seriously wanna shoot myself right now. fuck fuck fuck.
08 April 2010

addicted to Tegan and Sara. I've known about them for years but since I am going to their concert in September I've been listening to them non-stop for about two weeks. I don't know why this happens.. Every time I go to a concert, or think that I will I start to listen to the artist like crazy. I guess its because I wanna know all their music in case they play old stuff and I know what they're playing. Just so I feel like I belong there. That's how it was for Taking Back Sunday and The Used even though I didn't see them. It will be a little over a week after I turn 18 so I am stoked for this concert. I am going, by any means necessary.
Tegan and Sara are so fucking gorgeous, sometimes I think Tegan is prettier but its usually Sara. There's just something about her that is beautiful. I want to marry her! Her voice is just so odd and amazing, like a Cindi Lauper chipmunk with an edge. It is beautiful. I couldn't stop watching their concert videos for about a week, all the shit they talk about is so funny but really true. They could probably be stand up comedians. Their writing is so simple but powerful and really relatable. I don't even know why I am writing this. But I think every one should love Tegan and Sara like I do. Mahea is getting annoyed at how much I'm playing them and I find it funny. But, what ever. I love them. The end.
So life is still a disaster. I haven't made that phone call that I really, really need to make. FUCK. But I will do it tomorrow and hopefully something will happen. Because my life will be over if nothing happens. School is so fucking stressful! Art show for ho'olaulea is next week and I still havae two more canvases to finish. I'm doomed. I will need like 3 packs of cigarettes and 10 bags of coffee. If only I could skip all my classes to work on it. But too bad I have all my mandatory classes this semester. I really hate this semester. Why couldn't the art show be at the end of the year like a final. But I guess it makes sense to have it now because everyone would definitely procrastinate and wouldn't pay attention to their finals so all of our other classes would be shot to hell. It still sucks though. Nothing I can do about it, so fuck it. I will finish the second canvas this weekend. That is a promise to who ever is reading this. And if I don't finish it you can personally punch me in the face, seriously.
I still don't even know what I'm going to do for my last one. But i have a couple days to figure this out. Shit I thought that our class would be really ahead, but we started so fucking late! We had just about three weeks to work on this. That annoys me. Last year's class had like two damn months. Not fair. But life isn't so why would it change for me? I just can't wait for Ho'olaulea to be done with! Fuck. I need to do my d.photo still. Damn damn damn.
02 April 2010
so my fucking life is over. i am in the deepest shit that i have ever, ever been in. and it's going to ruin the rest of my fucking life. i have no idea what to do, well i do but i know i can't. this fucking sucks. that night ruined my life. that is my one true regret. i want to take it all back. i wish i had never gone, i wish i said that i actually didn't want to go, and i wish i could fix this. i don't even know what to say to either of them. one would say, "well you should have thought about that before you decided to do that." and the other would say, "it doesn't matter that you have something else to do. we won't allow you to finish." fuck my life. i wish there was someone who could help me. but i don't even want to talk to anyone about this. fuck
01 April 2010
And so it goes..
wow my own brother just logged off facebook when i asked him something. i feel like shit. haha. oh well..
i have writer's block right now, well not entirely since i'm writing this. i just can't write about fucking don quixote. that fucking book is so fucking stupid. and i think i chose a really shitty topic. i wonder if ms. haina will let me change it.. doubt it. i really suck at analyzing things, i put too much of my own opinion in or what i write about is far form relevant. how is this book even relevant to anything!? she even said herself that the book is hard to read and she's always agreeing that it's a pain in the ass. why would you do something like that? oooh right. because you're a fucking satanist. by making journalism go on a fieldtrip to the maui news it was proven that she is truly a satanist. i almost died of boredom. i honestly thought that a news room would be exciting, but that is not true. or maybe that's just the case of maui news beause it's maui and maui is boring as fuck. that perry guy kept saying that he didn't want to bore us but he droned on for more than half an hour about the stupidest shit. like someone asked a question and he would take forever to get to the point then he'd go on and add things that we didn't want to know. it was seriously the worst field trip of my life. until we got the the printing, that was pretty interesting and the people weren't that boring. the people actually knew what they were talking about unlike the lady who was taking us on the tour. absolute bullshit. just like erin asking "who works here" that was the dumbest question i ever heard. people you idiot! unless you think oompaloompas work there. so fucking stupid. goddddddddddd she was so annoying in song practice. she really has no sense of personal space. she kept fucking hitting my legs and didn't even get the hint when i kneed her. and fucking telling britt and kau to be quiet when they were talking so loud that their voices were fucking echoing in the fucking gym. dumb bitch.
so i probably won't finish my essay.
i probably won't go to school on friday to work on my thematic. but i'll probably work at home. who knows. I do! and it's a no. uuggghhh
i have writer's block right now, well not entirely since i'm writing this. i just can't write about fucking don quixote. that fucking book is so fucking stupid. and i think i chose a really shitty topic. i wonder if ms. haina will let me change it.. doubt it. i really suck at analyzing things, i put too much of my own opinion in or what i write about is far form relevant. how is this book even relevant to anything!? she even said herself that the book is hard to read and she's always agreeing that it's a pain in the ass. why would you do something like that? oooh right. because you're a fucking satanist. by making journalism go on a fieldtrip to the maui news it was proven that she is truly a satanist. i almost died of boredom. i honestly thought that a news room would be exciting, but that is not true. or maybe that's just the case of maui news beause it's maui and maui is boring as fuck. that perry guy kept saying that he didn't want to bore us but he droned on for more than half an hour about the stupidest shit. like someone asked a question and he would take forever to get to the point then he'd go on and add things that we didn't want to know. it was seriously the worst field trip of my life. until we got the the printing, that was pretty interesting and the people weren't that boring. the people actually knew what they were talking about unlike the lady who was taking us on the tour. absolute bullshit. just like erin asking "who works here" that was the dumbest question i ever heard. people you idiot! unless you think oompaloompas work there. so fucking stupid. goddddddddddd she was so annoying in song practice. she really has no sense of personal space. she kept fucking hitting my legs and didn't even get the hint when i kneed her. and fucking telling britt and kau to be quiet when they were talking so loud that their voices were fucking echoing in the fucking gym. dumb bitch.
so i probably won't finish my essay.
i probably won't go to school on friday to work on my thematic. but i'll probably work at home. who knows. I do! and it's a no. uuggghhh
28 March 2010
Last One
This is the last day of the last break for my last year of high school. I wonder if I could have possibly used the word last more in that sentence.
So I just finished my homework for English. It was so simple but I kept getting side-tracked, pretty annoying. I think i might have acute A.D.D., maybe. If I wasn't side-tracked it would have taken me an hour, at least. But I'm glad I never have to read that book again.. I think. Fuck! I just remembered there's that essay. I really, really don't want to go to school tomorrow. I'm probably gonna wake up late anyways. It doesn't even feel like this is a break or like third quarter even happened. Such a trip. I am seriously depressing myself. This is dumb.

I can honestly say that this was the best worst break I've ever had. I'm not sure if I'm happy to see it end. I will definitely be happy if this bad luck streak ends. But who knows what will happen?
I need some positive energy. Haha I sound like such a.. hippie? I'm not too sure what to call those people who are all into spirits and energies.
And I also don't know when to use 'into' or 'in to'. I should ask Ms. Haina tomorrow. Well, today. Fuck. I really need to sleep or else I'm fucked tomorrow. gaaah
I'm not gonna spend my life being a color
So I have been getting major reality checks lately, because I just think about things way too much. There's two months and two days till I graduate. That is so fucking crazy. I always knew that time would really fly but, holy shit! This is just ridiculous; this year has fucking zoomed by and I'm pretty scared to graduate and go out into the real world. I am excited as fuck too though. I know I can handle my own but just the idea of being away from my mom, friends, and other family is just scary. This past break was one of the first times that I wasn't with any family for a 'long' time. It's just fucking wack that I'm moving out.. I'm never going to live with my parents again, hopefully. I really hope that I don't become one of those drop outs who come back and work shitty jobs and become nothing. Since I have the worst luck I have a feeling that my life will be fucked up. Every time that I say something good about myself in a matter of days it gets messed up.
Since being in LA I don't even know if that's where I want to be. I can totally see myself in California but I'm not too sure about Downtown. It's just dirrrty. People walking their dogs on the sidewalks and telling them "good job" when they take a shit on the sidewalk. So messed up! People have no fucking common sense and it is so damn infuriating. There's always trees where you can drag your dog to make it do its business. Not on the sidewalk where people.. walk. And the smell just hangs in the air and it smells like you're in a toilet. And not to sound racist, but all the Mexicans! I knew that LA is very hispanic but shiiit. A lot of people don't even speak English. Talk about reality check.. The bums are so annoying! A guy asking for a dime so he can get a burger! So dumb. Where in the fuck are you gonna get a burger for a dime? You're gonna have to ask at least 10 people for dimes so you might possibly get a burger. But that's unlikely. And interrupting people's dinners. Ugh! So annoying. But I'm sure that all these things happened to me simply because I am me. I hate my luck.
Maybe I will get a tattoo of a shamrock, might bring me some luck. We'll see.
I just complain to fucking much. Some one should just slap me across the face
Since being in LA I don't even know if that's where I want to be. I can totally see myself in California but I'm not too sure about Downtown. It's just dirrrty. People walking their dogs on the sidewalks and telling them "good job" when they take a shit on the sidewalk. So messed up! People have no fucking common sense and it is so damn infuriating. There's always trees where you can drag your dog to make it do its business. Not on the sidewalk where people.. walk. And the smell just hangs in the air and it smells like you're in a toilet. And not to sound racist, but all the Mexicans! I knew that LA is very hispanic but shiiit. A lot of people don't even speak English. Talk about reality check.. The bums are so annoying! A guy asking for a dime so he can get a burger! So dumb. Where in the fuck are you gonna get a burger for a dime? You're gonna have to ask at least 10 people for dimes so you might possibly get a burger. But that's unlikely. And interrupting people's dinners. Ugh! So annoying. But I'm sure that all these things happened to me simply because I am me. I hate my luck.
Maybe I will get a tattoo of a shamrock, might bring me some luck. We'll see.
I just complain to fucking much. Some one should just slap me across the face
26 March 2010
I love it
So one day a guy is walking down the beach and sees a girl without arms and legs. She stops him and says, "Can you hug me? I've never been hugged before."
The guy said yeah and hugged her.
The next day he sees the same girl and this time she asks for a kiss, once again he agrees.
The day after that he's walking on the beach again and sees her. That day she asked him if he would fuck her because she hasn't been fucked before. Hearing that, the guy picks her and and throws her into the ocean and yells, "You're fucked now!"
The guy said yeah and hugged her.
The next day he sees the same girl and this time she asks for a kiss, once again he agrees.
The day after that he's walking on the beach again and sees her. That day she asked him if he would fuck her because she hasn't been fucked before. Hearing that, the guy picks her and and throws her into the ocean and yells, "You're fucked now!"
so my mom just called me to yell at me so I clean my room. completely uncalled for. what was the point of wasting 30 seconds to tell me that? as if I'll actually do it only because you told me.
24 March 2010
CC Scheffield
Her song 'Escape Me' is pretty much the greatest song, ever. No contest, at all. Go listen to it. NOW
Unfathomable Disasters
When I first landed in LA. I lost my make up right before I left my house so I look gross.
The view from the Alexandria

1/3 of the bottles before we threw them out the window on Tuesday nigt

Another third

Last third.

Another third

Last third.
Alfredo's high ass trying to cut Taena with the box cutters
Larry talking to the sumo version of Taena
Taena singing her heart out at like 6am
Here comes the sun do do do do
Octavio and Taena drinking Primo!
Taena ready to get hiiiigh
Holding Nico's collection of bottles
Nicooo! So adorable

Taena singing her heart out at like 6am

Here comes the sun do do do do

Octavio and Taena drinking Primo!

Taena ready to get hiiiigh

Holding Nico's collection of bottles

Nicooo! So adorable
Daschund/labrador mix
View from the rooftop
Last minute photoshoot for Taena's final

I have no idea what Alfredo was trying to do

View from the rooftop


Last minute photoshoot for Taena's final
Taena being all cute and junk
So those were most of the highlights from my trip. I barely took my camera with me and I kept forgetting to buy batteries so I could just take my point and shoot with me. It could have made life a lot easier. What ever.
It is what it is.
23 March 2010
20 March 2010
I get really fucking sidetracked when I write. It's pretty stupid. I should learn to control my thoughts. But that is really impossible because everything reminds me of something and I need to write it before I forget.
Do You Want to Know a Secret?
I currently HATE my life.
Everything has been going exceptionally wrong and when it starts going good it gets WORSE than the time before. Seriously. This has been one of the most fucked up weeks of my life and I am so ready to just go home and sleep all fucking day as if I haven't been doing that all mother fucking day while I'm up here. Shoot me please. I just want to die.
And all these events are confiriming my second thoughts. I'm probably going to trasfter after my first year or quarter at FIDM. Maybe. If things get better I probably will stay so I can get in and out. Finals look fan-fucking-tastic. Fuck. I vow to never become lazy and rush to get all this shit done. I am so beyond over procrastination. I truly hope that I only get better with time management. I will kill myself if I have to pull this kind of shit out of my ass.
I just can't wait to get out here and start doing my own thing. I know that I'm not gonna be clubbing every fucking chance that I get. Not that I don't have fun but I could use that money for better things. Sure, I'll probably do it often but not 3 times a week. Fuck that. Way too much money. It's so annoying. And each time that we've gone it hasn't even been that much fun because something has gone wrong right before.
Last night could have been wicked fun. The fact that I can't dance kinda takes away from having a super good time, but still it could have been more fun. Fucking Alex getting belligerent before Mode7. Not being allowed in, not answering his phone, and practically leaving us stranded. I was pretty much numb from all the shitty things that have been going on. I was pretty much over everything. I can't even explain how dead I feel. I just wanna lay in bed and do nothing all day. It really is quite pathetic.
Yesterday we met up with Nico and Alfredo around 3? I have no idea. My sense of time is so fucked up out here. We went to go pick up, got high, and watched Moulin Rouge. It was really good. Such a tragic story. I love how the compare the play they're making in the movie to real life and keep using that as their main focus instead of the relationship between the chick and the rich guy or the writer. I think that the writer should get a lot more credit for the show than he does because with out him there literally would be nothing. And none of them would have a job. Some people are so fucking naive, every person in the operation counts no matter your status every one needs every one. I hate when people think that just because they run the shit they can make people feel lesser. They're the ones barely doing anything. Idiots. I swear there are so many fucking dumb people, it is absolutely mind boggling how they all manage to keep their jobs when every one hates their fucking guts. Maybe beause they really do know what they're doing but they're just fucking ass holes. Who the fuck knows? Only the people dumb enough to put up with that kind of shit for longer than they need to. Every one is just in it for themselves. By kissing ass to the person above you, you hope that you're gonna get a promotion or something to have a higher status. Every one is so fucking fake. Like how every one dresses in suits and ties! It's absurd. Why doesn't every one just wear sweats to work? If one person started every one would follow and no one would ever have to worry about getting their shit dry cleaned for a crazy amount of money. It's like Alice said in Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, "Who's to say what's proper? What if it was agreed that wearing a cod fish on your head was proper would you wear it?" It's so true though. Why do we have to follow all these mainstreamed ideals that everything has to be a certain way? Why can't we all just wear and do what ever the fuck we want!? So infuriating. I hate society. I think I will drop out of it and wear live animals as hats.
Last night. So many breezys. And wicked cute boys with haggard chicks. Its so strange how that happens. But I'm sure their relationships are a lot more than looks, I'd hope so. Every where that I looked there couples! Ridiculous! And this one guy told me he saw me at Dance, I thought the meant he saw me dancing. So I was like... um I can't dance to save my life. hah. I need to learn how to shuffle.
Thursday night was fun, we drank some wine and smoked hookah at Anthony's place. We watched Salad Fingers. That is seriously the weirdest shit I have ever seen in my life. Creepy, but funny. Anthony is such a cutie. So small and he dresses super cute. His mustache reminds me of a cartoon, I have no idea why but it does. Alex brought a guy over who is supposedly in a relationship with a girl and they haven't fucked. But they've beenn together for two years, so unlikely. Of course they kissed at the end of the night. I'm so sick of Alex right now. I don't even feel bad that he got arrested last night. He fucking deserved it. People seriously need to learn their limits. And get a grip on themselves. Fucking eating Taena's and my food, that is so rude. And using her towel. Ew. He is such a free loader! I hate people like him.
But um.. Thursday we were originally gonna go on the roof to smoke but the door was locked and going on the fire escape was just way too fucking scary with all the shit that we had with us. After smoking a couple bowls we were out by the fire escape getting some air when Taena decided that she wanted the sign and Alex followed. He tore off both signs. Not three minutes later security came and told us that we were being too loud. That was unbelievable! On Wednesday morning we were being insanely fucking loud. We started singing and screaming at like 3am and didn't stop till about 8am. It's a wonder how no one complained. Alex said that he could hear us from the elevator. People are wack.
Everything has been going exceptionally wrong and when it starts going good it gets WORSE than the time before. Seriously. This has been one of the most fucked up weeks of my life and I am so ready to just go home and sleep all fucking day as if I haven't been doing that all mother fucking day while I'm up here. Shoot me please. I just want to die.
And all these events are confiriming my second thoughts. I'm probably going to trasfter after my first year or quarter at FIDM. Maybe. If things get better I probably will stay so I can get in and out. Finals look fan-fucking-tastic. Fuck. I vow to never become lazy and rush to get all this shit done. I am so beyond over procrastination. I truly hope that I only get better with time management. I will kill myself if I have to pull this kind of shit out of my ass.
I just can't wait to get out here and start doing my own thing. I know that I'm not gonna be clubbing every fucking chance that I get. Not that I don't have fun but I could use that money for better things. Sure, I'll probably do it often but not 3 times a week. Fuck that. Way too much money. It's so annoying. And each time that we've gone it hasn't even been that much fun because something has gone wrong right before.
Last night could have been wicked fun. The fact that I can't dance kinda takes away from having a super good time, but still it could have been more fun. Fucking Alex getting belligerent before Mode7. Not being allowed in, not answering his phone, and practically leaving us stranded. I was pretty much numb from all the shitty things that have been going on. I was pretty much over everything. I can't even explain how dead I feel. I just wanna lay in bed and do nothing all day. It really is quite pathetic.
Yesterday we met up with Nico and Alfredo around 3? I have no idea. My sense of time is so fucked up out here. We went to go pick up, got high, and watched Moulin Rouge. It was really good. Such a tragic story. I love how the compare the play they're making in the movie to real life and keep using that as their main focus instead of the relationship between the chick and the rich guy or the writer. I think that the writer should get a lot more credit for the show than he does because with out him there literally would be nothing. And none of them would have a job. Some people are so fucking naive, every person in the operation counts no matter your status every one needs every one. I hate when people think that just because they run the shit they can make people feel lesser. They're the ones barely doing anything. Idiots. I swear there are so many fucking dumb people, it is absolutely mind boggling how they all manage to keep their jobs when every one hates their fucking guts. Maybe beause they really do know what they're doing but they're just fucking ass holes. Who the fuck knows? Only the people dumb enough to put up with that kind of shit for longer than they need to. Every one is just in it for themselves. By kissing ass to the person above you, you hope that you're gonna get a promotion or something to have a higher status. Every one is so fucking fake. Like how every one dresses in suits and ties! It's absurd. Why doesn't every one just wear sweats to work? If one person started every one would follow and no one would ever have to worry about getting their shit dry cleaned for a crazy amount of money. It's like Alice said in Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, "Who's to say what's proper? What if it was agreed that wearing a cod fish on your head was proper would you wear it?" It's so true though. Why do we have to follow all these mainstreamed ideals that everything has to be a certain way? Why can't we all just wear and do what ever the fuck we want!? So infuriating. I hate society. I think I will drop out of it and wear live animals as hats.
Last night. So many breezys. And wicked cute boys with haggard chicks. Its so strange how that happens. But I'm sure their relationships are a lot more than looks, I'd hope so. Every where that I looked there couples! Ridiculous! And this one guy told me he saw me at Dance, I thought the meant he saw me dancing. So I was like... um I can't dance to save my life. hah. I need to learn how to shuffle.
Thursday night was fun, we drank some wine and smoked hookah at Anthony's place. We watched Salad Fingers. That is seriously the weirdest shit I have ever seen in my life. Creepy, but funny. Anthony is such a cutie. So small and he dresses super cute. His mustache reminds me of a cartoon, I have no idea why but it does. Alex brought a guy over who is supposedly in a relationship with a girl and they haven't fucked. But they've beenn together for two years, so unlikely. Of course they kissed at the end of the night. I'm so sick of Alex right now. I don't even feel bad that he got arrested last night. He fucking deserved it. People seriously need to learn their limits. And get a grip on themselves. Fucking eating Taena's and my food, that is so rude. And using her towel. Ew. He is such a free loader! I hate people like him.
But um.. Thursday we were originally gonna go on the roof to smoke but the door was locked and going on the fire escape was just way too fucking scary with all the shit that we had with us. After smoking a couple bowls we were out by the fire escape getting some air when Taena decided that she wanted the sign and Alex followed. He tore off both signs. Not three minutes later security came and told us that we were being too loud. That was unbelievable! On Wednesday morning we were being insanely fucking loud. We started singing and screaming at like 3am and didn't stop till about 8am. It's a wonder how no one complained. Alex said that he could hear us from the elevator. People are wack.
18 March 2010
St. Patty's hasn't been lucky for this leprochaun
So it is official, I have the worst luck in the world. I wish the movie "Just My Luck" would happen to me so I could trade my terrible luck with someone. That would pretty much be super fucking awesome.
Today is pretty much wasted because we slept all fucking day and I'm waiting for my phone to come to Taena's apartment. I'm just laying down blasting music hoping for a knock at the door so I can leave. I wish that I could have gone to Hollywood with her since I've only seen it twice, at night. Before Dance and Delicious. It seems pretty cool, but I wish I could actually walk around instead of just head to the club. Nothing is ever as it seems though, and my expectations are just too fucking high and I hate that about myself. I don't even know why they're so high. I don't even have anything that truly matches those standards. Like last night was the first time that I saw a really cute guy. Too bad he was gay. Such a bummer! I hate when that happens.
Yesterday we went to sleep at like 8am because we spent the whole night singing to old ass music and screaming our heads off. Alex said that he could hear us screaming from the elevator which is actually pretty far away. That's so funny. I wish I could have heard us. Or that my camera had batteries so I could have recorded us singing. It would have made for a hell of a good laugh later. But not the reason we were singing for. I don't even wanna think about it or how much money it's gonna cost. Or how hard my mom is gonna kick my ass for this and how long I'm gonna be grounded for. Seriously felt like dying that night. I wanted to jump out the window. It would have felt really good to just fucking die. I couldn't even cry. That shit is so annoying.
After sleeping for way too long I ate some food and waited for Taena to come back while Alex left to go do some things.
When Taena came back I met Octavio, he's such a cutie! And really open and social, I love it. We went to Cole's to get some food. I got the grilled cheese which was reccomended by everyone. It was really good but wicked oily. Kinda made my stomach hurt. And I wasn't even that hungry and it was really big. Hah! I got that with a coke which was three mother fucking dollars! 3! For a soda! That is so dumb! We stayed there afor a while to talk about Octavio's troubles. Gay boys have so much drama, lesbians too! It's so crazy. I learned this: sex first; romance later. Our waiter was so fucking weird. Leaning on our table and being extremely intrusive. I hate waiters like that. I didn't even leave him a tip. Oh well... After we left we walked to a wine store bought Primo! I'm not a beer fan but we just had to get it since it was the last one and it's Hawaiian beer. The 6 pack was fucking $10! So crazy. I wish everything was free. Walked back to the Alexandria opened up the beer which just so happened to be twist offs and we tried to open them with lighters. Hah! We're stupid. Nico and Alfredo came over. Nico had a blunt which was tiny so I didn't ask for any. But I wish I did because we shared the rest of our beer. And being sober is really fucking annoying right now. Nico and Alfredo left after a bit and we walked to get some wine from the same store. Octavio left. We dropped Brenna off after a while.
Then we waited because we had nothing to do. Taena and I walked to the store to get a wine opener but we didn't even get one just chips and water. The cashier was so drunk, he was like, "Give me some love." I wish I was like that right now. haha. Walked back to the apartment and waited and waited. Then we decided that we would go to Delicious at Arena. Every Wednesday it's ghetto and gay! I wasn't too sure beacuse Taena and Alex were gonna drink. And I was paranoid. But I went anyways. It was alright in the begining but the music started to get shitty. And there was not any cute people! So maddening! It was fucking hot in there I wanted to just buy ten waters and pour them all over myself. But that would be $40 wasted beacause I'd be hot ten minutes after. When we left we saw Selena, a girl that hates Taena and fucking Alex called her out. So DUUUUUMB! I don't even know her and I knew that she was pissed. And Taena was really fucking mad, I was too. What if she just fucking ran at us and jumped us. Fucking dumb.
I still need to go shopping. DAH!
I'm running out of things to talk about.
Dance at Arena was pretty cool, but it was empty. Such a disappointment and I wasn't drunk. Even bigger disappointment. No cuties. FAIL of a night basically.
Today is pretty much wasted because we slept all fucking day and I'm waiting for my phone to come to Taena's apartment. I'm just laying down blasting music hoping for a knock at the door so I can leave. I wish that I could have gone to Hollywood with her since I've only seen it twice, at night. Before Dance and Delicious. It seems pretty cool, but I wish I could actually walk around instead of just head to the club. Nothing is ever as it seems though, and my expectations are just too fucking high and I hate that about myself. I don't even know why they're so high. I don't even have anything that truly matches those standards. Like last night was the first time that I saw a really cute guy. Too bad he was gay. Such a bummer! I hate when that happens.
Yesterday we went to sleep at like 8am because we spent the whole night singing to old ass music and screaming our heads off. Alex said that he could hear us screaming from the elevator which is actually pretty far away. That's so funny. I wish I could have heard us. Or that my camera had batteries so I could have recorded us singing. It would have made for a hell of a good laugh later. But not the reason we were singing for. I don't even wanna think about it or how much money it's gonna cost. Or how hard my mom is gonna kick my ass for this and how long I'm gonna be grounded for. Seriously felt like dying that night. I wanted to jump out the window. It would have felt really good to just fucking die. I couldn't even cry. That shit is so annoying.
After sleeping for way too long I ate some food and waited for Taena to come back while Alex left to go do some things.
When Taena came back I met Octavio, he's such a cutie! And really open and social, I love it. We went to Cole's to get some food. I got the grilled cheese which was reccomended by everyone. It was really good but wicked oily. Kinda made my stomach hurt. And I wasn't even that hungry and it was really big. Hah! I got that with a coke which was three mother fucking dollars! 3! For a soda! That is so dumb! We stayed there afor a while to talk about Octavio's troubles. Gay boys have so much drama, lesbians too! It's so crazy. I learned this: sex first; romance later. Our waiter was so fucking weird. Leaning on our table and being extremely intrusive. I hate waiters like that. I didn't even leave him a tip. Oh well... After we left we walked to a wine store bought Primo! I'm not a beer fan but we just had to get it since it was the last one and it's Hawaiian beer. The 6 pack was fucking $10! So crazy. I wish everything was free. Walked back to the Alexandria opened up the beer which just so happened to be twist offs and we tried to open them with lighters. Hah! We're stupid. Nico and Alfredo came over. Nico had a blunt which was tiny so I didn't ask for any. But I wish I did because we shared the rest of our beer. And being sober is really fucking annoying right now. Nico and Alfredo left after a bit and we walked to get some wine from the same store. Octavio left. We dropped Brenna off after a while.
Then we waited because we had nothing to do. Taena and I walked to the store to get a wine opener but we didn't even get one just chips and water. The cashier was so drunk, he was like, "Give me some love." I wish I was like that right now. haha. Walked back to the apartment and waited and waited. Then we decided that we would go to Delicious at Arena. Every Wednesday it's ghetto and gay! I wasn't too sure beacuse Taena and Alex were gonna drink. And I was paranoid. But I went anyways. It was alright in the begining but the music started to get shitty. And there was not any cute people! So maddening! It was fucking hot in there I wanted to just buy ten waters and pour them all over myself. But that would be $40 wasted beacause I'd be hot ten minutes after. When we left we saw Selena, a girl that hates Taena and fucking Alex called her out. So DUUUUUMB! I don't even know her and I knew that she was pissed. And Taena was really fucking mad, I was too. What if she just fucking ran at us and jumped us. Fucking dumb.
I still need to go shopping. DAH!
I'm running out of things to talk about.
Dance at Arena was pretty cool, but it was empty. Such a disappointment and I wasn't drunk. Even bigger disappointment. No cuties. FAIL of a night basically.
15 March 2010
Daylight Savings
I was so confused when I got into LA because of daylight savings. Such strange yet smart concept..
And of course I lost my phone and I wasn't even here for a fucking hour! RIDICULOUS! I have felt so lost the whole day, it's so pathetic. Why are people so fucking attached to technology. I hate it.
So I ran into Taena's arms as soon as I got off the escalator and Alfredo was with her. He's so fucking cute. We waited for the bus, which is the place, where I presume, I lost my mother fucking phone. Then we caught the metro where I saw Spider Man! I wish I took a picture but I didn't want to grab my camera. Too lazy. We walked a few blocks to Taena's place dropped my shit off. Then I realized that my phone was gone. So we left to get some tacos but I lost my fucking appetite, I just got a horchata which is my new favorite drink. It's so delicious! I was pretty skeptical at first because it reminded me of that one Filipino drink with like fucking corn in it. Hah! After that we hiked over to Alfredos. Met Nico and Lary. And Zion! Fucking dog growled at me.
Their roof is so cool. I want my own personal roof. haha.
Taena had to do her paper so we left at like 5am.
Woke up at 9am.
Left by 10am.
And I still haven't taken a shower, mind you that it is 11:30pm. I feel gross haha.
Last night I was ssoo freeeeeezing in here. AGH!
Toured the school, met with Dee.
The end
14 March 2010
Spring Break 2010
So basically I have no idea where to begin about tonight. I truly believed that it would just be a good time with friends hanging out.
The first thing that pissed me off is that me and my mom cooked a shit ton of food and literally no one ate. That is so fucking annoying. Now I understand why adults would always make us kids eat when we were little at parties.
The second thing was people kept leaving. Like why the fuck!? Just stay at my house where I know that you're safe and not doing illegal shit. As if having all these people at my house drinking isn't illegal enough.
The third thing is that everyone was being way too fucking loud. Sure, I was really fucking loud too. But they all could have kept each other quiet so that we wouldn't wake my fucking neighbors up.
The fourth thing is that I barely got to drink tonight. Which is really fucking annoying because I wanted to be so drunk that I started dancing with everyone. And wake up with a hangover. Yes, I wanted to be so drunk that I have a hangover. How sad is that!? I haven't been drunk in a good way in such a fucking long time. But what ever I'm going to LA where I'm bound to get pretty fucked up.
The fifth and the last thing is the worst of it all. No need to even repeat it because I've gone over it way too many times in my head. And I don't think anyone really needs to know what happened.
The first thing that pissed me off is that me and my mom cooked a shit ton of food and literally no one ate. That is so fucking annoying. Now I understand why adults would always make us kids eat when we were little at parties.
The second thing was people kept leaving. Like why the fuck!? Just stay at my house where I know that you're safe and not doing illegal shit. As if having all these people at my house drinking isn't illegal enough.
The third thing is that everyone was being way too fucking loud. Sure, I was really fucking loud too. But they all could have kept each other quiet so that we wouldn't wake my fucking neighbors up.
The fourth thing is that I barely got to drink tonight. Which is really fucking annoying because I wanted to be so drunk that I started dancing with everyone. And wake up with a hangover. Yes, I wanted to be so drunk that I have a hangover. How sad is that!? I haven't been drunk in a good way in such a fucking long time. But what ever I'm going to LA where I'm bound to get pretty fucked up.
The fifth and the last thing is the worst of it all. No need to even repeat it because I've gone over it way too many times in my head. And I don't think anyone really needs to know what happened.
Stupid shit.
12 March 2010
Oy ve
I just spent like seven hours cleaning my fucking house! But I'm not complaining because it's clean and I wasn't absolutely bored all day. And I don't have to clean tomorrow, I have to pack! Ugh.
My mom called me at like 6am to tell me to get ready for school but I didn't even have school. I thought I told her that we didn't have school. Guess I forgot because I kept dozing off last night. I was insanely tired and I have no idea why. I was trying to watch Casanova but my eyes wouldn't let me. I went to sleep at like 8:45. So ridiculous. I got the 12 hours of sleep that I wanted, but I wish I had slept for just a but longer because I was having an amaaaazing dream. I can't even remember what it is now. I hate that so much.
So when I woke up I made coffee smoked a stoge then started cleaning. I swept outside and it felt like each time I finished there was already another layer of dirt, but I'll sweep one more time tomorrow. And I'll have to pick up all the damn leaves. I scrubbed the table down. Cleaned the couches and chairs. Emptied the ash trays... I have no idea why we have so damn much. Cleaned the dish rack and the counter. Tried to clean the shelf with the stereo on it, but so much fucking oil was dripped on it that I could not do anything at all. It's pretty nasty. I cleaned the cabinet and made everything look pretty. Threw a bunch of shit away. Cleaned the other table. And the other counter. Swept the walkway like five times. It really doesn't seem like much but I did get a blister from it all. Then I tried to clean inside but the vacuum didn't have a bag and the other one is broken. So I just left everything. I cleaned the extra room downstairs and refolded all the blankets and sheets. Cleaned my room and the bathroom. Which is pretty much a first. I found the vacuum bags and tried to clean the rug but the damn thing was clogged with a ton of hair and dust. It was really nasty. I spent like ten minutes cleaning it out. I had so much dust on me I was surprised I didn't have a sneezing attack. I didn't have one all day. *knock on wood* I took a shower after it all and then I fixed my shoe. The damn thing had a huge hole in it. But it adds to my hobo look. And I studded them too, I'm not really too happy with how it came out because everything is crooked and not spaced evenly. But I have to live with it because I am not taking all of those things out. Next time I will definitely pay attention to spacing.
But now the house is clean and so am I. I just need to go to the store tomorrow to buy grub and beverages. Then BBQ!
then... LA!
Where I am definitely getting fucked up all the time. And hopefully I can get myself a tiny little tat! Should be a really good time. I'm so insanely excited to see Taena! And I hope to Buddha that we don't see Chelsie. That would be terrible.
I want to do something like this, but cooler. Not saying that this isn't cool because I think its pretty bad ass. But the heart and diamond should be red..
My mom called me at like 6am to tell me to get ready for school but I didn't even have school. I thought I told her that we didn't have school. Guess I forgot because I kept dozing off last night. I was insanely tired and I have no idea why. I was trying to watch Casanova but my eyes wouldn't let me. I went to sleep at like 8:45. So ridiculous. I got the 12 hours of sleep that I wanted, but I wish I had slept for just a but longer because I was having an amaaaazing dream. I can't even remember what it is now. I hate that so much.
So when I woke up I made coffee smoked a stoge then started cleaning. I swept outside and it felt like each time I finished there was already another layer of dirt, but I'll sweep one more time tomorrow. And I'll have to pick up all the damn leaves. I scrubbed the table down. Cleaned the couches and chairs. Emptied the ash trays... I have no idea why we have so damn much. Cleaned the dish rack and the counter. Tried to clean the shelf with the stereo on it, but so much fucking oil was dripped on it that I could not do anything at all. It's pretty nasty. I cleaned the cabinet and made everything look pretty. Threw a bunch of shit away. Cleaned the other table. And the other counter. Swept the walkway like five times. It really doesn't seem like much but I did get a blister from it all. Then I tried to clean inside but the vacuum didn't have a bag and the other one is broken. So I just left everything. I cleaned the extra room downstairs and refolded all the blankets and sheets. Cleaned my room and the bathroom. Which is pretty much a first. I found the vacuum bags and tried to clean the rug but the damn thing was clogged with a ton of hair and dust. It was really nasty. I spent like ten minutes cleaning it out. I had so much dust on me I was surprised I didn't have a sneezing attack. I didn't have one all day. *knock on wood* I took a shower after it all and then I fixed my shoe. The damn thing had a huge hole in it. But it adds to my hobo look. And I studded them too, I'm not really too happy with how it came out because everything is crooked and not spaced evenly. But I have to live with it because I am not taking all of those things out. Next time I will definitely pay attention to spacing.
But now the house is clean and so am I. I just need to go to the store tomorrow to buy grub and beverages. Then BBQ!
then... LA!

11 March 2010
Kalo Man
SSSooo.. Today we had to pound poi for seminar. It was so fucking stupid. Most people just stood around the whole time. And I'm pretty sure that not everyone's hands were clean while they were pounding. So I definitely was not going to eat food that touched my class mate's hands. And most definitely wasn't gonna take food from Kumu Ulu's hands. Fuck that! I don't doubt that some of her fucking arm hair got in the poi either. So fucking nasty.
In Hawaiian we had a celebration of life, it was pretty cool. Most people just put shitty things together. Like my program.. I totally forgot to put 'okinas and kahakos on words. Oh and I forgot to put people in. Hah! I'm stupid. Caitie and Ekolu were pretty funny. Caitie once again managed to get a song stuck in my head.
Advanced art was really annoying. I felt bi-polar. haha
In Hawaiian we had a celebration of life, it was pretty cool. Most people just put shitty things together. Like my program.. I totally forgot to put 'okinas and kahakos on words. Oh and I forgot to put people in. Hah! I'm stupid. Caitie and Ekolu were pretty funny. Caitie once again managed to get a song stuck in my head.
Advanced art was really annoying. I felt bi-polar. haha
09 March 2010
08 March 2010
You Got That Something
I think you'll understand
When I say that something
I wanna hold your hand
I think this is my favorite song from The Beatles, but I'm not sure. It's seriously impossible to choose a favorite song. I don't even know all their songs so that answer wouldn't be completely honest. I was supposed to get a bunch of their albums from my dad but I didn't. Oops. Maybe when their anthology is cheaper I'll buy it, but for now I'll be satisfied with the albums that I have.
So today was pretty interesting. I actually woke up before 6! I figured that I would need the coffee so I made some. A little too strong, but I won't complain. Since I hadn't eaten anything before that or during first block I started to get really shaky and antsy. Then the headache came and it was just terrible. I cold barely concentrate on anything in second block. As if there's any need to pay attention in seminar anymore. All that stupid, pointless Hawaiian shit that we're learning is taking away from time that all of us need for doing scholarships. I fucking that. I hate Kumu Ulu and how she can't even pronounce Casey's name properly. And how she always thinks I say "Can I go to the bathroom?" wrong in Hawaiian. I say it correctly! She just needs to open her fucking ears. So after second block I wen to Hawaiian and dropped my shit off and went straight to the health room. I should have slept but I couldn't because my mind just started racing. Which always happens to me. When ever my mind should be clear so I can relax I just start thinking about the dumbest shit and I can't stop. I try but my mind wanders to different places and just keeps traveling. Just like when I went to get a hot rock massage, I should have fallen asleep because it was just that amazing. But no, my mind just started racing and I kept telling myself to clear my head, as if that worked. Its just like when you know you're not supposed to be doing something it makes you want to do it even more. Like in Ms. Haina's class, songs always pop in my head and I want to sing them. But no one should hear that because they would die. I am the worst singer I know.
When I say that something
I wanna hold your hand
I think this is my favorite song from The Beatles, but I'm not sure. It's seriously impossible to choose a favorite song. I don't even know all their songs so that answer wouldn't be completely honest. I was supposed to get a bunch of their albums from my dad but I didn't. Oops. Maybe when their anthology is cheaper I'll buy it, but for now I'll be satisfied with the albums that I have.
So today was pretty interesting. I actually woke up before 6! I figured that I would need the coffee so I made some. A little too strong, but I won't complain. Since I hadn't eaten anything before that or during first block I started to get really shaky and antsy. Then the headache came and it was just terrible. I cold barely concentrate on anything in second block. As if there's any need to pay attention in seminar anymore. All that stupid, pointless Hawaiian shit that we're learning is taking away from time that all of us need for doing scholarships. I fucking that. I hate Kumu Ulu and how she can't even pronounce Casey's name properly. And how she always thinks I say "Can I go to the bathroom?" wrong in Hawaiian. I say it correctly! She just needs to open her fucking ears. So after second block I wen to Hawaiian and dropped my shit off and went straight to the health room. I should have slept but I couldn't because my mind just started racing. Which always happens to me. When ever my mind should be clear so I can relax I just start thinking about the dumbest shit and I can't stop. I try but my mind wanders to different places and just keeps traveling. Just like when I went to get a hot rock massage, I should have fallen asleep because it was just that amazing. But no, my mind just started racing and I kept telling myself to clear my head, as if that worked. Its just like when you know you're not supposed to be doing something it makes you want to do it even more. Like in Ms. Haina's class, songs always pop in my head and I want to sing them. But no one should hear that because they would die. I am the worst singer I know.
07 March 2010
6 Pack

Then I started thinking about the whole wolf pack speech.
What if your friends did come in a pack? Like you could actually go to the friend store and pick a pack of friends. That would be so absurd. I think it would be super lame because all the same flavors come in a pack and having friends who are all the same is just fucking dumb. It's like eating the same cereal for the rest of your life. And if that cereal is Raisin Bran, you're fucked. I'd rather go to the store buy a bunch of ingredients then make my own for a more flavorful variety of different drinks. But I wouldn't go to the store to buy my friends in the first place. That's wrong, like slavery.
I hate how so many 'groups' are all exactly the same. Where is the fun in that? How can you have conversations if everyone thinks in the same way? Then again, if that's the case you could all probably hate and praise the same things and have a jolly ol' time while doing it. I could never be around a bunch of people who are clones. I remember when I went to Utah to visit the Villamors and we went to the mall I saw a bunch of scene chicks and the only thing I said was, "Holy clones!" They were all literally wearing the same shit, just different color or pattern. All their hair was pretty much the same, teased to look like a lion mane. But Hot Topic wasn't selling extensions yet so no color in their hair. And their mommies and daddies wouldn't let them do anything to their hair because they're in Mormon country. But anyways. I guess what I'm trying to say is I love my friends; I love that we all listen to different music, believe in different things, see people in different ways, speak in different volumes, study different things, express ourselves different, but most of all I love that we are all exactly the same because we are all so different.
Whoa! Just had a flashback to 10 Things I Hate About You. God I love that movie. When she read the poem I pretty much cried. Yup, I'm a sucker for love stories. And a total hater of ghost stories. Last night we were talking about ghost stories and this guy Dane told us one which I don't even want to write because it's so freaky. Short, but really fucking scary. And I don't want to be thinking about it right now. Nor do I want to go to Old Maui High at night, especially with Pomai. Fuck that! I can't handle super natural shit, never have and never will. Can't believe that I was actually gonna go on a ghost hunt on Oahu, or go to New Orleans for a whole trip dedicated to just that. I'm way too chicken shit for that. Just hearing some stories make my eyes water. I will never understand why people go and provoke ghosts. I know that it has to be done so people can continue on with their lives unharmed by them. But doing it just for fun is stupid. Sure, there's probably ghosts who aren't dangerous and don't want you to get out of their houses. But I think that's the case most of the time. Why else would they linger where they were probably murdered? They're probably hoping that they will be able to avenge themselves. I won't ever be able to uderstand it.
LA LA land
Sunday is slow day
Right now I am sitting in my room enjoying the fact that my parents just went to Costco so I don't have to do any chores right now. But I am pretty annoyed that they left their clothes in the washer because I REALLY need to wash clothes. Especially for my trip next week! So fucking stoked that I am finally going.
But, lately, I've been having a lot of second thoughts. And it doesn't help that there's fucking pop-ups for schools that I wanted to go to but never applied for. I pretty much regret not applying for other schools. It would suck if I find out that I really don't want to take Graphic Design as a major when I'm already at FIDM. There's always the option of transferring. But I'm not sure where that would leave me if I go to another school because there's no basic first year; you just jump right into your major. I think that's a good thing for people who really, really know what they want to do. I'm not 100% that I want to do this, but I want to. Confusing, I know. I hate my brain sometimes. And like most people start in summer for FIDM but I'm starting in Fall. But I really need a break from school.
So yesterday I hung out with Pomai, Jasmine, and Jeremy at the Lucero house. We didn't really do anything for a while except watch people play video games. We eventually left for fear of someone... We picked up some tequila and jello and that resulted in the greatest jello shots ever! It's called The Pomai because he is just so damn epic. Even though I hate the texture of jello I was able to handle it. Regardless, I liked it. And we only made one box at a time. So we had to wait like three hours. And I only had three from the first batch. And by the time it was ready I wanted to go to sleep. We watched Down Periscope and I guess it was funny but kinda boring. There were parts that were pretty hilarious. The whale call part was absolutely brilliant.
Pomai being the genius that he is took a shot of five different kinds of alcohol, two different flavors of parrot bay, tequila, some kind of vodka, and I think gin. I felt bad laughing at him, but it was just so fucking stupid to do that. But when he started to gag that just made me laugh more. Like why the fuck would you do that?
I think I hear a cigarette calling my name.
But, lately, I've been having a lot of second thoughts. And it doesn't help that there's fucking pop-ups for schools that I wanted to go to but never applied for. I pretty much regret not applying for other schools. It would suck if I find out that I really don't want to take Graphic Design as a major when I'm already at FIDM. There's always the option of transferring. But I'm not sure where that would leave me if I go to another school because there's no basic first year; you just jump right into your major. I think that's a good thing for people who really, really know what they want to do. I'm not 100% that I want to do this, but I want to. Confusing, I know. I hate my brain sometimes. And like most people start in summer for FIDM but I'm starting in Fall. But I really need a break from school.
So yesterday I hung out with Pomai, Jasmine, and Jeremy at the Lucero house. We didn't really do anything for a while except watch people play video games. We eventually left for fear of someone... We picked up some tequila and jello and that resulted in the greatest jello shots ever! It's called The Pomai because he is just so damn epic. Even though I hate the texture of jello I was able to handle it. Regardless, I liked it. And we only made one box at a time. So we had to wait like three hours. And I only had three from the first batch. And by the time it was ready I wanted to go to sleep. We watched Down Periscope and I guess it was funny but kinda boring. There were parts that were pretty hilarious. The whale call part was absolutely brilliant.
Pomai being the genius that he is took a shot of five different kinds of alcohol, two different flavors of parrot bay, tequila, some kind of vodka, and I think gin. I felt bad laughing at him, but it was just so fucking stupid to do that. But when he started to gag that just made me laugh more. Like why the fuck would you do that?
I think I hear a cigarette calling my name.
06 March 2010
Ya Dumb Bitch

So I just got back from watching Alice in Wonderland, and it sucked. I was pretty skeptical about watching it, but because of some awful events I had to stay at school so I just ended up going with Caitie. I want to punch myself for not doing my book poster for English. If I had then I wouldn't have had to go to the movie, and I would have saved myself ten bucks. And my grade would be a hell of a lot better.
I hate how I always think that I'm doing good by doing my homework before 10:00pm, but I always forget to do something. No matter what. And it's typically something really important like that fucking project that I didn't do. I had to fucking pull it out of my ass in like two hours. And it was not a pretty sight. I cannot believe that I have to put that stupid poster up. It's so terrible.
But anyway, back to the movie. Everything was absolutely ill-paced and it was just flat out boring! When ever Johnny Depp or Anne Hathaway wasn't on screen I just wanted to leave because it was just stupid. It wasn't really like Tim Burton. You could see elements that definitely his, but there is just too much Disney in the movie. Too fairy-ish. Weak sauce. Lame. No other way to put it. It's worse than the poster that I made. Well not really because it's almost worth it for Mr. Depp. Anne Hathaway kinda seemed like a nut job in the movie but it was funny. I like her better as a normal human. The fight scene with the Jabberwockee is just pitiful. I cannot believe that this is the work of Tim Burton! This movie should have been watched online instead of wasting money.
Oh, and I saw a chick dressed up as the Cheshire cat. So ridiculous. And it was a shitty outfit anyways.

And my damn Internet has been so spotty it's infuriating! I try to load videos to watch and my Internet disconnects in the middle of loading. So fucking annoying. And at school I can't even open links. I just wanna break this fucking thing in half and burn it along with all my other school papers which I will be burning after graduation. But I don't know if I really want to. It's all my work, no matter how shitty it is. And it doesn't matter that I will never look at it again, I just can't get rid of shit. I hate that about myself. Fuck being a pack rat. I wish I could just not care and throw shit away. But at least I'm not a hoarder. That would be absolutely awful. I just cleaned my room a week ago and shit is already starting to pile up. But I feel weird if my room is clean. It isn't me. I can't be clean, well my room can't. An organized mess is what I like to live in. I just wish people like my mother could understand that. It's just more comforting to be surrounded by all your stuff. Having them put up on shelves and in boxes just seems mean, you have to let your things live. How are they gonna talk to each other at night if they're locked up in boxes? Haha, I was just thinking about Toy Story.
Like what if your things really did come to life. I would have crazy stuffed animal parties in my room every night. That would be pretty damn awesome. I should set up a camera just in case that ever happens. I've always wanted to record myself sleeping to see if I do any weird shit. I don't think I do. I've been told that I snore too, and I think I've talked in my sleep a couple times. It would suck so bad if someone had a conversation with me while I was asleep cause that's usually the best time to get shit out of people. No restrictions of your conscious. I remember trying it on people but it never worked. Maybe it's just when you're half asleep.
I really want to talk to someone when they're dreaming, I think it's hilarious. Especially when they're talking about the most random ass shit there is. I wish I could remember my dreams so badly. Because when ever I do they're so strange. They're always in the oddest of places with the weirdest mixture of people. The situations are just plain weird. But sometimes they're amazing and my absolute heart's desires. But desires that will never ever come true. I hate the dreams when you think you're getting ready for school or where ever you're supposed to be going, but you're just laying in bed. Then when you finally wake up you have just about two minutes to get ready. That's just the worst. It's been happening to me this whole week. But I think it has something to do with the placement of my alarm clock. Conveniently and arm's reach away from my bed. So I can just turn it off and go back to sleep. Man, I can't wait to have classes start after 8 am!
I think I'm gonna go slip into a temporary unconsciousness.
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