Then I started thinking about the whole wolf pack speech.
What if your friends did come in a pack? Like you could actually go to the friend store and pick a pack of friends. That would be so absurd. I think it would be super lame because all the same flavors come in a pack and having friends who are all the same is just fucking dumb. It's like eating the same cereal for the rest of your life. And if that cereal is Raisin Bran, you're fucked. I'd rather go to the store buy a bunch of ingredients then make my own for a more flavorful variety of different drinks. But I wouldn't go to the store to buy my friends in the first place. That's wrong, like slavery.
I hate how so many 'groups' are all exactly the same. Where is the fun in that? How can you have conversations if everyone thinks in the same way? Then again, if that's the case you could all probably hate and praise the same things and have a jolly ol' time while doing it. I could never be around a bunch of people who are clones. I remember when I went to Utah to visit the Villamors and we went to the mall I saw a bunch of scene chicks and the only thing I said was, "Holy clones!" They were all literally wearing the same shit, just different color or pattern. All their hair was pretty much the same, teased to look like a lion mane. But Hot Topic wasn't selling extensions yet so no color in their hair. And their mommies and daddies wouldn't let them do anything to their hair because they're in Mormon country. But anyways. I guess what I'm trying to say is I love my friends; I love that we all listen to different music, believe in different things, see people in different ways, speak in different volumes, study different things, express ourselves different, but most of all I love that we are all exactly the same because we are all so different.
Whoa! Just had a flashback to 10 Things I Hate About You. God I love that movie. When she read the poem I pretty much cried. Yup, I'm a sucker for love stories. And a total hater of ghost stories. Last night we were talking about ghost stories and this guy Dane told us one which I don't even want to write because it's so freaky. Short, but really fucking scary. And I don't want to be thinking about it right now. Nor do I want to go to Old Maui High at night, especially with Pomai. Fuck that! I can't handle super natural shit, never have and never will. Can't believe that I was actually gonna go on a ghost hunt on Oahu, or go to New Orleans for a whole trip dedicated to just that. I'm way too chicken shit for that. Just hearing some stories make my eyes water. I will never understand why people go and provoke ghosts. I know that it has to be done so people can continue on with their lives unharmed by them. But doing it just for fun is stupid. Sure, there's probably ghosts who aren't dangerous and don't want you to get out of their houses. But I think that's the case most of the time. Why else would they linger where they were probably murdered? They're probably hoping that they will be able to avenge themselves. I won't ever be able to uderstand it.
Kinda reminds me of that retarded boyfriend in Paranormal Activity.
i didn't watch it.. haha
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