My mom called me at like 6am to tell me to get ready for school but I didn't even have school. I thought I told her that we didn't have school. Guess I forgot because I kept dozing off last night. I was insanely tired and I have no idea why. I was trying to watch Casanova but my eyes wouldn't let me. I went to sleep at like 8:45. So ridiculous. I got the 12 hours of sleep that I wanted, but I wish I had slept for just a but longer because I was having an amaaaazing dream. I can't even remember what it is now. I hate that so much.
So when I woke up I made coffee smoked a stoge then started cleaning. I swept outside and it felt like each time I finished there was already another layer of dirt, but I'll sweep one more time tomorrow. And I'll have to pick up all the damn leaves. I scrubbed the table down. Cleaned the couches and chairs. Emptied the ash trays... I have no idea why we have so damn much. Cleaned the dish rack and the counter. Tried to clean the shelf with the stereo on it, but so much fucking oil was dripped on it that I could not do anything at all. It's pretty nasty. I cleaned the cabinet and made everything look pretty. Threw a bunch of shit away. Cleaned the other table. And the other counter. Swept the walkway like five times. It really doesn't seem like much but I did get a blister from it all. Then I tried to clean inside but the vacuum didn't have a bag and the other one is broken. So I just left everything. I cleaned the extra room downstairs and refolded all the blankets and sheets. Cleaned my room and the bathroom. Which is pretty much a first. I found the vacuum bags and tried to clean the rug but the damn thing was clogged with a ton of hair and dust. It was really nasty. I spent like ten minutes cleaning it out. I had so much dust on me I was surprised I didn't have a sneezing attack. I didn't have one all day. *knock on wood* I took a shower after it all and then I fixed my shoe. The damn thing had a huge hole in it. But it adds to my hobo look. And I studded them too, I'm not really too happy with how it came out because everything is crooked and not spaced evenly. But I have to live with it because I am not taking all of those things out. Next time I will definitely pay attention to spacing.
But now the house is clean and so am I. I just need to go to the store tomorrow to buy grub and beverages. Then BBQ!
then... LA!

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