This is the last day of the last break for my last year of high school. I wonder if I could have possibly used the word last more in that sentence.
So I just finished my homework for English. It was so simple but I kept getting side-tracked, pretty annoying. I think i might have acute A.D.D., maybe. If I wasn't side-tracked it would have taken me an hour, at least. But I'm glad I never have to read that book again.. I think. Fuck! I just remembered there's that essay. I really, really don't want to go to school tomorrow. I'm probably gonna wake up late anyways. It doesn't even feel like this is a break or like third quarter even happened. Such a trip. I am seriously depressing myself. This is dumb.

I can honestly say that this was the best worst break I've ever had. I'm not sure if I'm happy to see it end. I will definitely be happy if this bad luck streak ends. But who knows what will happen?
I need some positive energy. Haha I sound like such a.. hippie? I'm not too sure what to call those people who are all into spirits and energies.
And I also don't know when to use 'into' or 'in to'. I should ask Ms. Haina tomorrow. Well, today. Fuck. I really need to sleep or else I'm fucked tomorrow. gaaah
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