This is the last day of the last break for my last year of high school. I wonder if I could have possibly used the word last more in that sentence.
So I just finished my homework for English. It was so simple but I kept getting side-tracked, pretty annoying. I think i might have acute A.D.D., maybe. If I wasn't side-tracked it would have taken me an hour, at least. But I'm glad I never have to read that book again.. I think. Fuck! I just remembered there's that essay. I really, really don't want to go to school tomorrow. I'm probably gonna wake up late anyways. It doesn't even feel like this is a break or like third quarter even happened. Such a trip. I am seriously depressing myself. This is dumb.
Well.. I'm hoping to finish what started two Saturdays ago. But with way less people; people who can handle themselves. We'll see if mother will allow it. Hopefully.I can honestly say that this was the best worst break I've ever had. I'm not sure if I'm happy to see it end. I will definitely be happy if this bad luck streak ends. But who knows what will happen?
I need some positive energy. Haha I sound like such a.. hippie? I'm not too sure what to call those people who are all into spirits and energies.
And I also don't know when to use 'into' or 'in to'. I should ask Ms. Haina tomorrow. Well, today. Fuck. I really need to sleep or else I'm fucked tomorrow. gaaah
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