addicted to Tegan and Sara. I've known about them for years but since I am going to their concert in September I've been listening to them non-stop for about two weeks. I don't know why this happens.. Every time I go to a concert, or think that I will I start to listen to the artist like crazy. I guess its because I wanna know all their music in case they play old stuff and I know what they're playing. Just so I feel like I belong there. That's how it was for Taking Back Sunday and The Used even though I didn't see them. It will be a little over a week after I turn 18 so I am stoked for this concert. I am going, by any means necessary.
Tegan and Sara are so fucking gorgeous, sometimes I think Tegan is prettier but its usually Sara. There's just something about her that is beautiful. I want to marry her! Her voice is just so odd and amazing, like a Cindi Lauper chipmunk with an edge. It is beautiful. I couldn't stop watching their concert videos for about a week, all the shit they talk about is so funny but really true. They could probably be stand up comedians. Their writing is so simple but powerful and really relatable. I don't even know why I am writing this. But I think every one should love Tegan and Sara like I do. Mahea is getting annoyed at how much I'm playing them and I find it funny. But, what ever. I love them. The end.
So life is still a disaster. I haven't made that phone call that I really, really need to make. FUCK. But I will do it tomorrow and hopefully something will happen. Because my life will be over if nothing happens. School is so fucking stressful! Art show for ho'olaulea is next week and I still havae two more canvases to finish. I'm doomed. I will need like 3 packs of cigarettes and 10 bags of coffee. If only I could skip all my classes to work on it. But too bad I have all my mandatory classes this semester. I really hate this semester. Why couldn't the art show be at the end of the year like a final. But I guess it makes sense to have it now because everyone would definitely procrastinate and wouldn't pay attention to their finals so all of our other classes would be shot to hell. It still sucks though. Nothing I can do about it, so fuck it. I will finish the second canvas this weekend. That is a promise to who ever is reading this. And if I don't finish it you can personally punch me in the face, seriously.
I still don't even know what I'm going to do for my last one. But i have a couple days to figure this out. Shit I thought that our class would be really ahead, but we started so fucking late! We had just about three weeks to work on this. That annoys me. Last year's class had like two damn months. Not fair. But life isn't so why would it change for me? I just can't wait for Ho'olaulea to be done with! Fuck. I need to do my d.photo still. Damn damn damn.
I love Tegan and Sarah's music.
You know I love you. Make sure you check this out. :P
My favorite song from them is "The Ocean" but I enjoy the entire CD that it comes from! (: (: (:
I agree with you about Sara, she's gorgeous.
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