So I just got back from watching Alice in Wonderland, and it sucked. I was pretty skeptical about watching it, but because of some awful events I had to stay at school so I just ended up going with
Caitie. I want to punch myself for not doing my book poster for English. If I had then I wouldn't have had to go to the movie, and I would have saved myself ten bucks. And my grade would be a hell of a lot better.
I hate how I always think that I'm doing good by doing my homework before 10:00pm, but I always forget to do something. No matter what. And it's typically something really important like that fucking project that I didn't do. I had to fucking pull it out of my ass in like two hours. And it was not a pretty sight. I cannot believe that I have to put that stupid poster up. It's so terrible.
But anyway, back to the movie. Everything was absolutely ill-paced and it was just flat out boring! When ever Johnny
Depp or Anne Hathaway wasn't on screen I just wanted to leave because it was just stupid. It wasn't really like Tim Burton. You could see elements that definitely his, but there is just too much Disney in the movie. Too fairy-
ish. Weak sauce. Lame. No other way to put it. It's worse than the poster that I made. Well not really because it's almost worth it for Mr.
Depp. Anne Hathaway kinda seemed like a nut job in the movie but it was funny. I like her better as a normal human. The fight scene with the
Jabberwockee is just pitiful. I cannot believe that this is the work of Tim Burton! This movie should have been watched online instead of wasting money.
Oh, and I saw a chick dressed up as the
Cheshire cat. So ridiculous. And it was a shitty outfit anyways.

So I am with out a pack still..
Mahea finally brought them to school on Wednesday but she left right after song practice because she felt sick. So I haven't had a cigarette in two mother fucking days. I better get tomorrow or I will be angry!
And my damn
Internet has been so spotty it's infuriating! I try to load videos to watch and my
Internet disconnects in the middle of loading. So fucking annoying. And at school I can't even open links. I just wanna break this fucking thing in half and burn it along with all my other school papers which I will be burning after graduation. But I don't know if I really want to. It's all my work, no matter how shitty it is. And it doesn't matter that I will never look at it again, I just can't get rid of shit. I hate that about myself. Fuck being a pack rat. I wish I could just not care and throw shit away. But at least I'm not a hoarder. That would be absolutely awful. I just cleaned my room a week ago and shit is already starting to pile up. But I feel weird if my room is clean. It isn't me. I can't be clean, well my room can't. An organized mess is what I like to live in. I just wish people like my mother could understand that. It's just more comforting to be surrounded by all your stuff. Having them put up on shelves and in boxes just seems mean, you have to let your things live. How are they gonna talk to each other at night if they're locked up in boxes?
Haha, I was just thinking about Toy Story.
Like what if your things really did come to life. I would have crazy stuffed animal parties in my room every night. That would be pretty damn awesome. I should set up a camera just in case that ever happens. I've always wanted to record myself sleeping to see if I do any weird shit. I don't think I do. I've been told that I snore too, and I think I've talked in my sleep a couple times. It would suck so bad if someone had a conversation with me while I was asleep cause that's usually the best time to get shit out of people. No restrictions of your conscious. I remember trying it on people but it never worked. Maybe it's just when you're half asleep.
I really want to talk to someone when they're dreaming, I think it's hilarious. Especially when they're talking about the most random ass shit there is. I wish I could remember my dreams so badly. Because when ever I do they're so strange. They're always in the oddest of places with the weirdest mixture of people. The situations are just plain weird. But sometimes they're amazing and my absolute heart's desires. But desires that will never
ever come true. I hate the dreams when you think you're getting ready for school or where ever you're supposed to be going, but you're just laying in bed. Then when you finally wake up you have just about two minutes to get ready. That's just the worst. It's been happening to me this whole week. But I think it has something to do with the placement of my alarm clock. Conveniently and arm's reach away from my bed. So I can just turn it off and go back to sleep. Man, I can't wait to have classes start after 8 am!
I think I'm gonna go slip into a temporary unconsciousness.