That is the reason all my clothes are stained red from the dirt in Kauai. So this past weekend I went to Kauai for Uncle Mark's funeral. I didn't really know him so I felt pretty awkward all weekend. On Saturday at the service I felt so sad for everyone there because I could feel the sorrow emanating from the chapel from twenty feet away. It was like a piece of their heart was ripped out and stomped on right in front of their faces. I felt so intrusive of their private grieving time, but I went to be a supporting shoulder for my family. Minus the loss of an extremely loved on the weekend was as typical as any family gathering that we have. We need to start shaking things up a bit, but I doubt anyone would go for that since we're stuck in this rhythm and it sounds as good as Pena and Nea doing a duet. Friday Joe took me downtown since he had to get a new phone. I swear, he is stupidly addicted to his phone. I met up with mom after I almost got run over by a car. People tend to lose their common sense at airports, its so frustrating. We got to Kauai around 8 maybe then got picked up by Pena, Pohai, Nea, and Kaiolu. Which meant that I was stuck sitting in the back of the car. When we finally got to Hanapepe everyone was already eating and drinking. I smelled Shrimp Scampi and even though I wasn't hungry I went to look for some, but surprise surprise there was none. Oh well. Less food for me :). There was some drama about Aunty Babe's birthday cake, pretty lame. All the family drama is lame and just needs to be over already because it is sickening to listen to different people bitch about each other doing all the same shit. We got home around 11 and went to sleep around 1 and woke up at 7.
We got the the chapel pretty early and there was already people there. I didn't even know Uncle Mark and I almost cried because he touched so many people's lives that its such a tragic loss. And of course in times like these everyone talks to each other more and acts more loving. But I hate when that ends, I don't get why everyone isn't like that all the time. My mom started drinking pretty much as soon as we got there. I didn't think much of it until she kept drinking throughout the entire day. After the service ended at 12 we drove out to the cemetery, Nea and Nuti help up a banner over the walkway near Big Save which was pretty cool. My mother stuck her head out of the sun roof which resulted in her getting cuts on her hands, karma is indeed a bitch! At the burial a helicopter dropped flowers over us which was really cool. But I didn't think it was something to be screaming and cheering about which my mom did. Extremely loud. I was so embarrassed; like yeah it was really cool but screaming that loud was really unnecessary. Then that night we went back to the valley and ate and ate and ate. Kind of a boring night but what ever. It probably felt like that because I wasn't drinking. haha. My mother was really annoying, especially when she said, "you don't dance like them do you?" UGH! she's seen me dance before I have no idea why she would even say that, seriously. A lot of other people were getting annoyed by her which made me feel a little bit better.
Sunday we all got up, and of course had drama at breakfast. Then went down to the other house, but Pohai locked her keys in the car so they just stayed home. Kinda funny, but not completely unexpected from her. Everyone who isn't from Kauai ended up leaving early but for mom and me it was pretty pointless because we didn't get home till 11. I hate delays so much. Today I finally started doing my fucking scholarships. I hope Mossman counts them because they were fucking easy little things to do. He can't not count them because they are scholarships. I will fight him if he says they don't count.
Aunty Babe and Kylie laughing about something obviously
Pena, Pohai, Kaiolu at the service
My mother and Pena cheering for the flowers at the burial

Kaiolu being the cutest things ever. I love how he eats noodles its so adorable
Fuck my life in the ass hole backwards. Oh my fucking god I cannot believe this. I've been deleting pictures unknowingly. Fuck my life. GAAAAAAAAAAHH I seriously wanna shoot myself right now. fuck fuck fuck.